S.S.S.S - Randomly Selected

Randomly Selected is an audio based immersive exhibition originating from the language communication game S.S.S.S. The exhibition targets the common struggle of language barriers that many immigrants and international students experience in the United States. I was responsible for

  • Exhibit preparation

  • Video editing

One of three booths, this version of Randomly Selected featured a Chinese interrogator and American traveler. Listen to their audio below.

The original game S.S.S.S., which stands for Secondary Security Screening Selection, is an interrogation game set in an international airport. It is a commentary on airport security measures targeting passengers from foreign countries. I was responsible for:

  • Rules writing

  • Puzzle design for 2 different languages (Spanish, Arabic)

Two watchers attempting to follow along with the game as it’s being played on speakers

You can access both the information on the exhibit and the game here: